Back on Track…

After a long hiatus due to health and life issues I am finally getting back to regular painting and actually enjoying some gaming. I recently found out that one of my work colleagues was nuts about wargaming, even more than me. He has introduced me to a local club here in Salisbury and I have introduced him to “Dominion Wars”. How could he resist epic scale gaming with big Mechanica. That’s right he couldn’t, and I am glad to report there is growing interest from other club members.

I am also glad to say the development of the “Dominion Wars” rules has continued at a pace since the show at Hammerhead with new members to the Facebook page steadily increasing. If you haven’t done so already come say hello and download the current Beta edition of the rules, which now include full lists for Novan Marines, Cybershadows and Novan Regular forces.

There has also been several additions to the Vanguard Miniatures 3mm and 6mm ranges with the miniatures from the successful crowd funder campaign now available via the store. The 3mm Novan Regulars are due to released shortly, you may also want to check the new 3mm gothic buildings specifically being designed by Gregstar’s Lab.

I have decided to fully concentrate on the “Dominion Wars” game for my epic scale sci-fi gaming so will be parting with my Vanguard 6mm miniatures. Mainly because I haven’t played one game with them in 3 years and I need space and dosh for the growing Dominion armies.

15mm sci-fi still pulls very hard on me as does mass battle fantasy. There has been an explosion in the amount of 15mm miniatures released recently by new companies and old. A lot utilizing 3d computer design certainly for vehicles and to a lesser extent carbon forms.  In particular one manufacture springs to mind  and that is White Dragon Miniatures but also Clear Horizon miniatures in the US.  Khurasan Miniatures is always bringing out new miniatures, in particular I am awaiting the arrival of this “mother of all aliens”

I have been battling over which scale to collect when I eventually return to Fantasy mass battles and if I will go down the LOTR route of Warhammer fluff. If I had the money and the more importantly the space it would be 28mm LOTR as there are some beautiful not Games Workshop miniatures out there. So basically that leaves 6, 10 or 15mm, all have some great miniature ranges but unfortunately not what I can say is a complete range for either of my two projects.

For 6mm there is Microworld Miniatures in the US which has an ever expanding range with some excellent miniatures, especially their recent Goblins and Ratkins. They also have an upcoming High Elf line which looks very promising. I know Rapier Miniatures in the UK produce 6mm Fantasy but this is mainly Greek/Roman mythology, although they have a new range covering the Runequest books.

10mm is my favourite scale for Fantasy gaming with many hours of enjoyment playing Warmaster with my various Games Workshop armies. Do I want to recreate that again? – no I don’t, but what I have wanted to do for a long time is Lord of the Rings. Not only Third Age but the Epic battles of the Silmarillion.  There are plenty of miniatures around, both historical and Fantasy that can be used, but for the look and the feel for me anyway the best High Elves are the Games Workshop Warmaster range. Unfortunately I only have a few of these left and those available on ebay are either too expensive or of poor quality.

WM High Elves

Over the years I have dabbled in 15mm Fantasy but I must admit this scale has a dearth of good quality miniatures. Yes there are a few, such as Eureka Miniatures, and Ral Partha Demonworld range.  I did stumble across a great Undead range from Magister Militum and collected a lovely army (pictured below)
Undead Army _2

Khurasan have a Beastman range in the pipeline which I am getting rather excited about. Ever since my early days collecting a Beastman Army for WH Fantasy Battles I have always wanted to collect another n the smaller scales.

Khurasan miniatures


I must mention Battle Valor games who appeared a few years ago releasing a large and expanding range of 15mm Fantasy. These are geared towards their own fluff which is fine and they have quite a few creative miniatures.  I bought a selection of Undead which are the best I have seen recently and will go extremely well with the Magister Militum miniatures. I also got a selection of their Elves as they fit my image of High Elves. I know there is a fair amount of praise for these miniatures but other than the Undead I am not convinced. The miniatures are okay “en mass” but lack detail that you would expect in this digital age. They are also cast in very soft pliable alloy, which is good in some ways, but lead to breakages and bent weapons etc. Also more could have been done with differing horse poses.


Hopefully, one day a range of Elves will appear that I can drool over.

I took a look at some of the new 3D designed 6mm sci fi armour from Brigade Models. These are lovely clean miniatures with high levels of detail and would be excellent for so called “Hard sci-fi”. Anyone for Dirtside?



Anyway lets get back on track. Next post will cover “Dominion Wars” and I will bring you a full battle report and review of miniatures and rules.


For the Gamers.




Author: apassioninminiature

Hi my name is Adrian I have been a wargamer for well over 30 years, both on the tabletop and PC, alternating between both depending on whims and circumstance. I enjoy a wide variety of genre’s from historical periods to fantasy and science fiction. Very much a military history buff I enjoy social gaming over competitive play.

4 thoughts on “Back on Track…”

  1. Have you thought about 20mm/ 1/72 for fantasy? Lots of orcs, undead, elves, Ratmen etc from Caesar, Miniknight and Dark Alliance, plus god knows how many historical figures for the human factions, and they’re dirt cheap


    1. Hi, thanks for the feedback. Yes I have looked at these and have been very tempted with them, especially as they cover most if not all the combatants. However, currently my main issue is storage as I have limited space for the figures and the terrain and that won’t improve for a while.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I see that you play 3mm Dominion by Vanguard Miniatures.

    What forces do you play? Have you made your own force lists for the Space Orks and Novan Regulars?

    The owner of Vanguard offered to post a basic Novan Regular list recently. I am periodically him about it.

    I just ordered some Pico Armor 3mm sci fi tanks. I have plenty of 3mm infantry for a Novan Regular battalion (each 6x4cm stand is a platoon).

    The rules look interesting.


    1. Hi

      Sorry for the delay in responding.

      I mainly play Novan Elites and Cybershadows although I have just completed a Regular force ready for Epic and half way through a Skinner force. This will have to wait until further miniatures are ready.

      I have been involved in play testing the Dominion Wars rules and hopefully they will be out soon. I was not happy the way the rules were progressing so dropped out of testing.

      Pico infantry do mix well size wise but the armour is way too small to mix with Vanguard. Have you looked at Microworld, they have some 3mm Sci-fi now.


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